

Annette Wells Talsi

Born 1969

The main inspiration for my work are landscapes and nature, my surroundings and my situation - the interplay between myself and the external world. My work process differs according to the work itself; sometimes an aspect of my surrounding will impinge on my consciousness, demanding attention, at other times I have no definite starting point - I just start and follow, like going on a mysterious journey with no map or destination in mind. Printmaking requires a degree of planning, which counterbalances my other methods of working. Time and memory play an important role, quite often I use unfinished pieces of work and integrate them into a new piece, and it seems to me  as if the old work was waiting for my future self to be able to complete it.





2020 Un/Framed, Juried exhibition, Winterthur & Maienfeld, CH. www.swissfiberart.blog

2020 Teximus 3, Juried exhibition, Zug, CH. www.tafch.ch

2019 Joint Exhibition (Annette Wells Talsi & Esther Solanki) in the ‘Alte Trotte’, Effingen. CH

2018 'Reflection-Reflektion', Group exhibition, Davos. CH

2017 'Verbindung'. Group exhibition, Stein Egerta, Liechtenstein

2015 'Huus 11', Open Studio, Elfingen. CH

2013 'Journeys', solo exhibition, 'Kunst im Treppenhaus', Ennetbaden. CH

2013 Finnish Landscapes, solo exhibition, 'finnis.ch', Baden. CH

2008 ‘Reflections of Nature’. Joint exhibition, Ennetbaden. CH

2006 ‘By Sky, Stone & Feather’. Solo exhibition, Dorfmuseum. Lengnau, Switzerland

2001 ‘Expressive Abstracts’. Group exhibition, Agora Gallery.New York, USA

2000 Selection of works ‘en permanence’, Galerie Franck Meunier. Ferney Voltaire, France.

1999 Competition exhibition, Mairie (Town Hall). Divonne les Bains, France.

1998 Group exhibition, Galleria 3H+K. Pori, Finland.

1998 Solo exhibition, Dardagny. Switzerland.

1997 M.A. exhibition, Bretton Hall. Wakefield, UK.

1997 Group exhibition, Neue Martin Opitz Bibliothek. Herne, Germany.

1997 ‘Habitats’, open exhibition. Sheffield, UK.

1996 ‘Kuutamoloikka’, open exhibition. Rauma, Finland.

1996 ‘Dialogue’, joint exhibition. Rauma, Finland.

1996 ‘Tämähänse’, group exhibition. Savonlinna, Finland.




1996 - 1997 Master of Arts in Fine Arts, University of Leeds, Bretton Hall, UK

1994 - 1995 Textile course, Käsi- ja Taideteollisuusoppilaitos, Petäjävesi, Finland

1988 - 1991 Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art Printmaking, Norwich School of Art, UK

1987 - 1988 Certificate. Foundation course in Art and Design, Winchester School of Art, UK




1999 1st Prize ‘Concours annuel d’Art plastique transfrontalier’. Divonne les Bains, France.